
Oxana Ali
When I was a child, I had an accident and spent a lot of time in hospitals and seeing different doctors, who were supportive, positive, and friendly to me. I decided to do the same in my life for people in need. I started dreaming about becoming a valuable professional, an expert, and a doctor, who treats people with a compassionate and empathetic approach, delivering comprehensive care and lasting impact.

I graduated from the Medical University named after Pavlov in St. Petersburg, Russia in 2008 with a diploma in dentistry. Why dentistry? I wanted to make people happy and be a part of the reason for somebody's smile.

Moreover, during my studies at university, I was fascinated by holistic health, well-being, and how our teeth, jaws, tongue, and fascial muscles are connected to our whole body.

As I result of this interest, I became dedicated to researching and deeply investigating craniofacial development, airway, and breathing dysfunctions, and how they all connected with our internal state, emotions, and overall health.
I practiced dentistry until I moved to Israel, the home country of my husband, and then to Canada, Quebec province, where I got my diploma in Dental Hygiene, in 2015, when I developed a strong foundation in patient education and became very passionate about it.
I actively engage in continued education in the field I love the most. My knowledge is not only in the dental area but also in other subjects, which seem to be incompatible with each other, but they work perfectly in combination to have a positive impact on the whole body and make a difference in patients' lives.

Outside of my work, I'm a wife and a mother of 3 children. I try to have harmony between my work, family, and myself. Sometimes it is very challenging, but you can be amazed at how it works perfectly together with the collaboration of the Universe Laws.
Everyone deserves to be healthy and happy. I'm grateful and feel blessed that I can help people and serve them using my knowledge and experience, and I enjoy doing it.